Florenceville - Fredericton
         Community Acupuncture

"Your Health is Your Wealth, Only You Can Nourish It!"
At Fredericton and Florenceville Community Acupuncture...

We offer affordable treatments on a sliding scale. The purpose of the sliding scale is to separate the issues of money and treatment. If you do not have supplemental insurance you are able to pay for your acupuncture treatment on an affordable sliding scale. The first visit is charged a additional nominal Initial Consultation fee. People sometimes ask us, "How much should I pay along the scale?" Our answer is, "How much you feel comfortable with paying."

We recommend regular frequent treatments. Acupuncture has a cumulative effect and is most effective when performed frequently. In China it is common to receive acupuncture treatments daily until the symptoms are alleviated. In Canada, due to higher costs, it's more typical to come for acupuncture 1-2 times per week for the first 3-4 weeks of treatment. After this initial treatment phase continuing treatment can be on a weekly, bi-weekly or monthly schedule. Community acupuncture on a sliding scale allows you to come as frequently as needed.

We treat in a group setting. The community acupuncture model goes back to the roots of how acupuncture has been practiced in Asia for thousands of years - in a group setting. Patients lie fully clothed in comfortable recliners, in a quiet, soothing community room. Treating patients in a community setting has many benefits: it's easy for friends and family members to come for treatment together; many patients find it comforting; and a collective energetic field becomes established, which actually makes individual treatments more powerful. Group energy is inspiring, with group healing inspiring you to get better faster.

We believe in being part of the local community, striving to create a safe and comfortable environment for all members of our community. Every patient receives the same quality of care. We welcome people of all genders and gender identities, sexes, races, incomes, national origins, abilities or disabilities, marital status, family situations, religions, sizes, shapes and political beliefs. An affordable acupuncture clinic means that more people have the choice to use acupuncture and Chinese medicine for health care, ultimately creating a stronger and healthier community.

We provide affordable acupuncture and still make a living. Fredericton and Florenceville Community Acupuncture are not non-profit clinics. We don't receive government money, grants or private donations. We are a sustainable business model that offers a service people need and can afford. As long as we have enough patients paying along the sliding scale, we stay in business, providing valuable healthcare to the community.

For more information and to book an appointment, please call or e-mail...

Phone: (506) 575-5443
E-mail: fcacupuncture@startmail.com