Fredericton Community Acupuncture
"Your Health is Your Wealth, Only You Can Nourish It!"


Do acupuncture needles hurt?
Most people barely feel a thing when needles are inserted. Some people feel a slight pinch, and others ask "Is it in yet?" acupuncture needles are solid, flexible, and very, very thin (about the width of two hairs). There are certain sensations associated with the therapeutic effects of acupuncture. These may include a slight cramping, heaviness, distention, tingling or electrical sensation traveling along a channel or meridian. If any discomfort is experienced, it is usually mild and temporary.
Is acupuncture safe?
Acupuncture is widely acknowledged as one of the safest forms of medicine. Acupuncture needles are sterilized, individually packaged, and disposable. Acupuncturists undergo extensive training and are regulated by provincial medical boards and associations. One of the greatest advantages of acupuncture is that it has virtually no side effects. Occasionally a small temporary bruise may appear the site of an acupuncture needle. When compared to the laundry list of cautions and side effects for the average pharmaceutical drug, acupuncture is very low risk!
How often do I need to come in for treatment?
That depends on your medical condition. One of the benefits of the sliding scale is that it allows patients to come in frequently, often 2-3 times per week. Many conditions respond more quickly to frequent acupuncture treatments, while other patients only need to come once a week. Once your condition is stabilized, you won't need to come in as frequently. When you come in for your first treatment, we'll formulate a specific treatment plan for you. Most patients find acupuncture both relaxing and energizing, so even after they feel better from their original chief complains, they like to continue regular weekly or bi-weekly treatments simply because they feel so good!
How much should I pay along the sliding scale? Applicable at Fredericton and Florenceville Community Acupuncture.
That's entirely up to you. If a person has additional insurance coverage they pay full price per treatment, until such time as their insurance is used up. They then have the option to go on the sliding scale. If a person has no extra insurance, they go on the sliding scale after their first visit. We don't have income guidelines or ask for any verification. All of our patients pay on what feels comfortable for them. FCA is not designed to make big profits; our goal is to provide affordable acupuncture to the community, and to make a sustainable living wage. The sliding scale allows you to receive as much acupuncture as you would like. You don't have to pay the same amount every time. We simply want you to get acupuncture as often as you need it, and when you need it.
How does acupuncture work?
In Chinese medicine theory, acupuncture works by balancing the body's Qi. Qi can be described as a form of bio-energy that runs along channels or meridians. If Qi gets blocked, it shows up as an imbalance or illness. Basically, if you have a health condition, some part of your body's systems are out of balance. Chinese medicine theory allows you to diagnose the imbalance, and balance it.
In Western medical theory, acupuncture appears to work by stimulating parts of the brain. It also stimulates the body to release natural bio-molecules such as neurotransmitters, vaso-dilators and hormones. The exact mechanisms which brings this about are unknown, but the effects are measurable.
Do you accept insurance?
Yes. We are able to direct bill most insurance carriers, with the patient responsible for their portion.
What form of payment do you accept?
In order to keep costs down, we accept cash, check and e-transfer.
How can I learn more about how acupuncture works?
We highly recommend a great little book called Why Did You Put That Needle There?, by our friend Andy Wegman of Manchester Acupuncture Studio. You may click here to download a free copy

For more information and to book an appointment, please call or e-mail...

Phone: (506) 575-5443